
Showing posts with the label Curiosity

The Study of Orangutans Sheds Light On How Human Curiosity May Have Evolved

  Great apes are curious in captivity, but cautious around unfamiliar objects in the wild, according to new research.   The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports, and the researchers claim it is the first to measure orangutans' responses to novelty in the wild. It follows the behavior of human-acquired orangutans in a Sumatra reserve.   Great apes in captivity usually spend a long time exploring new objects. However, researchers had little idea how that curiosity would play out in the wild. Previously, scientists planted novel items throughout the forest at Suaq Balimbing, a protected biodiversity area in Sumatra where conservation biologists monitor orangutans. However, in previous experiments, the apes were so wary of the new items that the experiments failed.   Recently, biologists devised a more enticing method of pique the orangutans' interest by planting a piece of tree trunk filled with local forest honey on trees near the orangutans. The sc