
Showing posts with the label sabertoothtigers

Did sabertooth tigers purr like kitten or had mighty roar like a lion

  When mighty Ice Age sabertoothtigers lived in forest, they will call in day today life to fulfill their ambitions. Mankind had curiosity about its noise. Did it call look like a mighty roar or purr. Because of these curiosity North Carolina State Universityresearchers has examined the data about the arguments for each vocalization. Their discovered results were more nuanced than they thought and it depends on shape of a few small bones in tiger`s throat . Modern cats belong two subfamilies they are pantherine "big cats” and Felinae  “little cats” . The pantherine "big cats ” include lions, jaguars, and tigers  who has roar. Felinae  “little cats” include ocelots, lynxes, cougars and domestic cats who has purr. The roaring cats doesn’t  have a stiff enough structures that surround their larynx (or voice box) to make the purring sound. "Evolutionarily speaking, sabertooths split off the cat family tree before these other modern groups did," says Adam Hart