
Showing posts with the label freeze frame' effect

Some portion of Your Brain Behaves Like a Pause Button That Freezes Your Entire Body

  Profoundly engaged, our bodies can enter an exacting condition of suspended liveliness. Our appendages freeze. Breathing stops. Pulse eases back. The Universe tightens until there is only the job needing to be done.   On the off chance that we're in any way similar to the mice concentrated on in a new examination by specialists at the College of Copenhagen in Denmark, a determination of cells in a piece of the brainstem called the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) could be liable for this 'freeze outline' impact.   The disclosure not just assists us with planning the area of tissues that add to the more harmony like properties of the human brain, it could assist us with better comprehension the advancement of side effects in neurodegenerative circumstances like Parkinson's sickness, possibly prompting better types of treatment.   Creatures like us have a lot of motivations to leave unexpectedly speechless. Dread initiated freezing, for instance, allows prey